HOLISTIC MASSAGE & AROMATHERAPY can have a profoundly soothing, comforting effect on the mind, body and soul. It can be as much about being held physically, as well as being held emotionally and mentally, accepted in a safe nurturing space. It can help to ground, calm and uplift, as well as improve circulation and soothe away aches and pains. It can help bring about a feeling of connectedness to the here and now and a sense of contentment in our daily life.
For Holistic Massage treatments, I use a variety of different carrier oils and for Aromatherapy treatments, I blend essential oils and carrier oils together, taking into account my client's individual needs.
I use pure essential oils and carrier oils from a well established company who pride themselves on the quality of their products. All of their oils are 100% natural, of the highest quality and have undergone rigorous testing. All oils are animal free, pesticide & herbicide free and suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Of these oils, I use organic where possible.
REIKI is a very gentle energy therapy, enhancing and balancing energy flow throughout the body. It can bring about a profound sense of healing and wellbeing, working on many levels, going to where it is needed on a physical, spiritual or emotional level. As for other therapies, it may be used on the whole body or can be localised to a specific part of the body. The treatment can be either hands on or hands off and you will remain fully clothed, often wrapped in a comfortable blanket, either laying down or sitting in a chair, whichever is more comfortable for you.
ON-SITE CHAIR MASSAGE also sometimes called seated Acupressure massage. You will remain fully clothed and sit supported leaning forward in a comfortable massage chair. This treatment is perfect for easing tension, relaxation and rejuvenation, incorporating special massage techniques for the back, neck, shoulders, arms, hands and scalp.
Before giving a treatment, I do a full consultation with my client or their carer or advocate, finding out their medical history, any medications they are taking, their condition, general background and what their needs are at that present time. This enables me to give my clients a tailor-made therapy treatment whether as a one-off treatment or to help and support them on a more regular basis. Each time I see them, I will check to see if there are any changes in their condition or needs since the last consultation, before beginning the treatment.
Positive touch can benefit us all, not just in times of need but also as a regular maintenance for our mind, body and soul, a time just for us where we are able, for a while, to forget the busy world outside.
I feel very blessed to do my work and to have seen first-hand how positive natural therapies can be for individuals, empowering them wherever they are on their own unique path.
To book your appointment now or find out more, please call me on 07791 909332 or email me at tigerlilynaturaltherapies@gmail.com.
Warm wishes